Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our 4 year Anniversary

Blade and Alli
December 31, 2005
Hamilton, MT

Today is our 4 year Anniversary. I didn't think it was possible, but I love Blade more now than ever! He has given me an amazing life and family. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without him. He is a wonderful husband and father, and is my best friend. Our life so far has been a journey, and I will continue to follow him anywhere!

I love you baby, and here's to many, many more years ahead of us!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Thanksgiving, then Christmas!

Okay, I know that Thanksgiving was well over a month ago, but I really wanted to blog about it, and am just now getting to it. I promise I'll do a Christmas one shortly!
Disclaimer: Mason was into making weird faces at me while I took these pictures...
so when he's frowning/making silly faces, it's at me and not the person holding him! So, for Thanksgiving we went to Modesto and San Jose to see my Grandparents and Aunt & Uncle. It was so much fun! We had Thanksgiving dinner with everyone in Modesto at my Grandparents and then drove to San Jose after where we stayed with Nancy and Randy. Mason loved playing with his cousins, Zack and Emily, as did Blade and I! Little Emily loved our Mason boy! It was so cute to see her play with him and keep him busy. We were only there Thursday and Friday, but we sure had fun. We went to 'Christmas in the Park' where we looked at decorated trees, had fun playing games in the house(Emily beat the pants out of us on Scene It Disney!! Although Blade was a close second!)and loved catching up. We watched some classic Christmas shows, and had yummy Round Table Pizza, which I hadn't had in YEARS! (Now one of our favorites!) It was so nice seeing our CA family, it had been well over a year since I had seen Randy and Nancy. We thank you for your hospitality and want to come back soon!! Open invitation to San Diego too!!

Love you guys!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dad and Grandpas visit

I probably should have posted this one before the Halloween one, but oh well! My dad and Grandpa came to visit us a couple weeks ago, and we had a lot of fun. We showed them around, took lots of pics, and played a ton! It was the first time they had met Mason, and he loved them!

My dad and Mason at the beach on base.

Mason crawling all over grandpa..he loved him and his cane!!

Dad and Mason on Dads Birthday.

Blade, Mason and I next to the helicopter that he flys (60B)

Us at the Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park...Mason loved sitting in this little plane!


It's about time I make a new post, right?! Well Blades been playing in Marks flag football team these last couple of weekends, so Saturday we went and watched. I've been laying out a blanket and we've been playing while the boys have their game. We dressed Mason up as a giraffe, and he wore his outfit all day and even kept the hood on! After the game we went home and carved pumpkins, and then answered to door the rest of the night to little trick or treaters! Oh and lastly, we went to Taco Bell and got our free Black Jack Taco! It was a good day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I love you UPS!

It came today!! I finally ordered Mason some crib bedding, and the UPS man just delivered it this afternoon! I am only like 7 months or so late getting his room done, or even started, but oh boy am I excited! So now I need to get the rest of the room done. I was just so excited to finally get the bedding, that I had to share!

Mason was so cute when I put him in the crib with all the new bedding. He just kept walking around the sides looking at it all! He posed so well for me too with all the shots! Except that one of his hiney!!

Movin' and Shakin'

This weekend we helped Mark move into his new apartment. Mason got a little restless being held the whole time, so once we got into the new place, we cleared a little spot on the floor and Markie got his keyboard down. So Mason played us some tunes while we unpacked! All in all, it went well!Mason's also gotten pretty good at using his sippy cup...well he mostly bites on it and the water drips down his shirt, but at least he gets the jist of it!! Doesn't it look huge next to his little face?!

We've also been giving Mason those Gerber Puffs, and he's lovin those. Anyways, just a little update for you! Oh and I am not sure where the shakin' came into our weekend, I just liked the sound of it for the title!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The last few weeks..

It seems as though we've kept pretty busy these last few weeks! Not to mention that it seems like time is flying by. Mason's been sick with a cold, and we've been in a heat wave here! Besides that... we went to the Midway Museum, and the Birch Aquarium a couple weekends ago. We've been trying to enjoy all that San Diego has to offer, and so far, so good.
Mason's favoite...all the knobs in the control areas!!

And the Birch Aquarium was neat too.

Mason loved when Blade would hold him up to the glass so that he could touch it!!

So hopefully I'll do some more up to date pictures after this weekend!! We are helping Mark move this weekend, so maybe we'll get some good action shots from that :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

San Diego Zoo

We went to the San Diego Zoo on Labor Day, and ohh was it fun! We started out by going to base to get our tickets, and found out that Active Duty Military gets in free. Mason didn't need a ticket because he's too young, so for 3 of us, we only had to buy 1! (If you know me, you know how I love a good deal, so you can imagine how excited I was!!) We did however make up for it with all the food/drinks we bought once inside!

My favorite part of the day was when we got to ride the 'Skyfari'. It was neat to overlook the whole zoo, and even parts of San Diego, including Balboa.

We also took the bus tour, which was about 30 minutes and showed us the entire zoo. Including these giraffes (which Mason looks so excited to see!!)!

Their newest exhibit was called 'Elephant Odyssey, and it was so cool. We watched them eat and get a bath.

We got to the zoo a little after 12, and didn't leave until 6! So a fun holiday with my boys!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Major Catch up!!

It's time for some catch up!! Mason turned 6 months on Aug 12th, we introduced rice cereal to him, and it was a no go! I was really excited to start him on food, but he wasn't a huge fan.

Since then we've tried Sweet Potatos, and we can get a few spoon fulls of that in before he purses his lips and won't let anymore in!! There's lots more to try out there for him, so we'll see :)

A few days later, Mason and I left for Montana for 2 weeks while Blade was heading out of town for HARP(a training school). It was so nice to be around family for that time, but boy did we miss our Blade!! Blade took us to the airport...we traveled in our PJ's!!

Once we got there, Mason had so much fun with his fact they tuckered him out so much he started going to be around 7:30pm the whole time we were there!! So thanks kids! Mom and Jen took us to the park, carousel, we had a picnic in the backyard, we went on walks and played tons! In fact Jack and Mason started a band together!!

Joey was so sweet, and gave Mason lots of kisses!

Jack and Mason playing on the floor after a fun bath with all 3 kids!!

Jen and the kids during our fun picnic in their backyard!

Mason and my mom at home

Me and Mason at the Carousel, our last day there!

We also got to see Blades family for a short visit, but my camera was broken...due to a small mishap at the Carousel...don't worry Jen, Blade already fixed it!! So we didn't get any pics, but were happy to see everyone!!

So a busy last few weeks, but now we are back in San Diego, surviving the heat and loving being back with Blade!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Joey!

Our little niece turns 2, today!! She is just the sweetest little girl that you'll ever meet, and is so dang cute! We hope you have a fun Birthday and that you get to eat yummy cake! We love you bunches and when we see you next, we are taking you to Tropical Snow!
On another Birthday note, our little man Mason, turns 6 months today! We are going to celebrate by eating rice ceral for the first time tonight. So stay tuned for pictures of this exciting event!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Last night Blade and I were having a couple Icee Pops, and Mason just wouldn't stop trying to eat them. He now has two lower teeth, and has been loving when I put his teething ring in the freezer. So when he felt our cold treats, he wanted some too! So we let him suck on the outside of the wrapper, and it was so funny!

He just really went at it and smashed his whole face into it!

I had to just add this last pic because he has been sitting up like a big boy so good! He sure keeps us on our toes lately, rolling over, grabbing at everything, and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth!!