Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday & Sea World!

Blade and I joined in on the birthday cake fun!!Actually it was Blade's idea to show Mason how it's done!!

He just kept staring at dada!!

He was neat and clean..

and just kept picking off the frosting stars that I made!!

I made cupcakes for Blade, I, Mark and Gina!

Blade's mom and brother joined us at Sea World, and as always, the more the merrier!!

Mason walking on the step looking into the underwater beluga tank!

Us in the polar bear crawl space...can't remember what they called it!!

and last, we enjoyed the Sesame Street Bay of Play...my favorite!!! It was so much fun, we could even take Mason on all the rides!
So even though Mason was sick, and not quite himself, we made the most of it and enjoyed the weekend. We had fun with Blade's family and are happy they came with :)
(oh and sorry the pics were all out of order, I am having problems rearanging them!!)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Mason!!

Happy Birthday to our Mason boy today! He is ONE, and SOOO much fun! Ha ha! We love him so much. I tell him everyday that he and daddy have my heart, and I mean it. Oh how we love him.

Today we started with a birthday donut, a tradition that my mom always did for us, and I started it with Blade when we got married, and now with Mason. He loved it :) We are going up to base to get our tickets for SEAWORLD, the park later, and then maybe some baking! The plan is to go to Seaworld tomorrow and do presents and cake after, so pictures will be to follow!
Happy Birthday Day, Mason Alan!

Love, Mama and Dadda

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week One Work Ups

So just as I thought, time has flown by since Christmas! It's kinda scary because I know that it will continue to go fast, and soon April will be here and Blade will be gone. Anyways, we've been busy getting things ready for Blade's Week One Work Ups. I am actually behind doing this blog, since the pics are from last weekend Oh well! We went to the ship and cleaned and moved Blade into his room. It felt weird being back on a ship...all to familiar actually :) It was different this time though, because our little Mason boy was with us...and kept us on our toes! He was walking around the room and getting into everything!

Here he is trying to get into the underside of the sink....

Standing in one of the lockers with Daddy!....

Trying to help Blade make his bed..

And last, my favorite, relaxing on Blade's bed after he made it and playing with his phone!

I love my two boys so much. This week has felt long, even though it's only been 4 days and Blade will be back tomorrow night. But I miss him. We can't wait for tomorrow! Then it's getting ready for our little man turning ONE!! I can't believe it's next Friday. So stay tuned for more on that!!