Sunday, July 25, 2010

Library and Loggers Days

One of the things we have most enjoyed since being home is going to the Library with Jen and kids!! Story time is super fun with these 3, including the songs they sing in the end and then getting a stamp. Mason now knows to hold his hand out while waiting in line to get it, so cute!

The songs they sing in the end are usually by Laurie Berkner, including 'I know a Chicken', 'We are the Dinosaurs', and 'The Goldfish Song'. I am really wanting to download a few so we can sing to them at home too!

Last weekend we went to Darby to visit our Schallenberger Family. Mason drove the whole way...haha! We did have a few meldowns on the way, so I am a bit nervous for the ride back to San Diego, but it will SOOO be worth it!

Loggers Days was going on, and it started with a parade. Mason wasn't a huge fan of the sirens, but warmed up to the Darby Tiger at least! Here's us with Auntie Felicia. We had fun with her :)

And here's some of the crew sitting as we watched the parade. My brother in law(Travis), In laws(Ed and Gina) Sister in law(Kayla) andCousin Claire! We collected mucho candy!
We've still been keeping busy and get to email and chat with Blade often. We love him and miss him so much. Mason and I can't wait to have him back home with us!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Oh man, the Helena library looks fancy, and story time is so great. Those songs sound like some we need to get too! I love seeing a picture of you. You're so tiny!